Substance abuse and mental illness are often linked.

Our SMMILES service is for people experiencing mental illness and co-existing substance abuse. We are here to support people facing significant challenges in their daily lives due to co-existing conditions

The support we offer through SMMILES is:

  • Facilitated access to community services

  • Help to secure engagement with services

  • Facilitated WhatsApp group

  • Social Activities

  • Ongoing community support

  • 6 weeks 1:1 intervention

  • 6 weeks + 1:1 intervention

  • Group work

This project is designed to build connections, reduce isolation and enable users to develop their Recovery Capital.

Who can SMMILES work with?

The service aims to primarily work with people who:

  • Are residents in North Cumberland, Copeland and Allerdale

  • Have a substance Misuse Disorder(addiction)

  • Experience Severe Mental illness(primarily) in accordance with NHS Care Cluster 4

Care Cluster 4: This group is characterised by severe depression and/or anxiety and or other increasing complexity of needs. They may experience disruption to function in everyday life and there is an increasing likelihood of significant risks.

Our SMMILES team is here to help. For self referrals please call or email us on:

  • 0800 2545658



Scheme delivered in partnership with: